Wakito's Pizza House

21 March, 2016

English Congress 2016: Equality and Equity at TUMCSI

My Unit Plan for the Fourth Qurater indicates:

Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types serve as sources of wisdom in expressing and resolving conflicts among individuals, groups and nature; also how to use evaluative reading, listening and viewing strategies, special speeches for occasion, and structures of modification.

Performance Task:
The learner proficiently presents and defends a research paper on prejudice through utilizing effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources.

Trasfer Goal:
Students on their own will be able to skillfully deal with issues of prejudice and come up with a research paper in attempt to prove or disprove any claim of prejudice in TUMCSI high school department.

Trasfer Task:
You are a group of students advocating equality and equity in the campus. To promote the advocacy, you need to prove or disprove first your and fellow students’ claim of inequality and inequity through a research paper to be presented and defended before a panel of judges in the English Congress 2016. Your paper must be in IMRD format and should meet the criteria presented in the scoresheet.

The following pictures were taken during the event.

The Emcees - Jasper Lorenzo Noveras (Grade 9 Ruth) and Sophia Ocampo (Grade 9 Leah)

The Judges - Miss Monique Tiongco (Journalist who graduated from University of the East, Manila), Miss Mercy Francisco (Statistician from University of the Philippines, Diliman), Miss Mary Grace Tepace (Physical Therapist from University of the Philippines, Manila) and Miss Rose Vida Ann Arocha (M.A. Ed. ELT from University of Rizal System, Morong)

The Researchers:

Franchette Dantoc, Angelique Montivez and Rommel Garcia presented the paper entitled

"Academic Achievers and Underachievers: Treatment by their Fellow Students"

Peter Pardo,  Rose Michelle de Leon and Derrick Vigilla had

"The Effects of Teacher's Standard to Students"

Rowie Mae Diocares, Alliah Bernice dela Cruz and Isabella Ventura presented

"The Effects of the Teachers' Teaching Strategies to Students' Learning Behavior"

Alohra Collin Febrero, Rein Kelsey Reyes and Sydney Udag presented  their study

"Colorism at TUMCSI High School Department"

Meryll Hazel Bienan, Abiegail Estacio and Ric Kenneth Garcia proved that there is

"Discrimination among Students who Transferred from Public Schools to TUMCSI"


Gicelle Bianca Regacho, Abigail Talamabayan and James Omlang proved that there is

"Equity in the Treatment of the Librarian between Grade 7 Readers and Non Readers"

Jashmine Nell Bautista, Jan Macy Marcelo and Rhee Francesca Enriquez disproved that there is

"Inequity in the Assignment of Airconditioned Rooms among Students of TUMCSI High School Department"
      After the deliberation by the judges, the winners were:
      for the Research Paper category: 
      "The Effect of Teaher's Learning Strategies to Student's Learning Behavior" - 1st Place
      "The  Equity in the Treatment of the Librarian between Grade 7 Readers and Non Readers" - 2nd                 Place
      "Discrimination among Transferees at TUMCSI High School Department" - 3rd Place

       for the Presenters category:
       Best Female Presenter - Rowie Mae Diocares  (Grade 10 David)
       Best Male Presenter - Ric Kenneth Garcia   (Grade 10 Solomon)

The Researchers with the Judges after the event

                                                                         The Audience


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