TIME FRAME: 45 days (Aug. 10- Oct.2)
The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature serves as a vehicle of expressing and resolving conflicts between and among individuals or groups through using strategies in critical reading, listening, and viewing to evaluate text content, elements, features, and properties; extemporaneous and impromptu public speaking; and using of affirmation/negation markers.
- Literature: “The Stratagem of the Wooden Horse and the Fall of Troy” by Virgil
Grammar: Negation (Prefixes)
Writing : Use correct prefixes in negating
Speaking: Holding a round-table discussion
Research: Avoiding Plagiarism
- Literature: Theme and symbols in literature
Viewing:“The Ring”
Grammar: Negation, Phrase level (no and not)
Listening: Listen to identify words used incorrectly (Double Negatives from Youtube)
Research: Referencing and In-text Citation
- Literature: “The Death of Siegfried” (from The Nibelungenlied)
Grammar: Negation, Sentence Level (auxiliaries and modals)
Speaking: Defending an Argument
Writing: Writing an argumentative essay
- Reading: “Ode to Envy” by Mary D. Robinson
Listening: Listen to derive specific information (Revenge by Taylor Swift)
Speaking: Delivering an extemporaneous speech
The learner transfers learning by composing an argumentative essay in preparation for delivering impromptu and extemporaneous speeches using affirmation/negation markers and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
Themes and Symbols in epics
Employing strategies in critical reading, listening and viewing to evaluate text content
Basics of impromptu speaking
Enduring Understanding:
Understanding of world literature will provide a person diverse ideas and strategies on communicating with people coming from different walks of life, thus letting him utilize the techniques in expressing himself and resolving whatever conflict may arise during the communication process.
Essential Question:
1. Have you ever had conflict with others?
2. What caused such and how was it resolved?
from the K to12Curriculum Guide as of Jan. 31, 2012
Learners should be able to demonstrate understanding by:
- Evaluate listening texts in terms of accuracy, validity, adequacy, and relevance (EN10LC-IId-3.15).
Oral Language and Fluency
- Make and deliver impromptu and extemporaneous speeches with ease and confidence (EN10F-IIi-1.15).
Reading Comprehension
- Evaluate text content, elements, features, and properties using a set of criteria (EN10RC-IIh-2.22).
Writing and Composition
- Use writing conventions to indicate acknowledgement of resources (EN10SS-IIe-1.6.4) .
Grammar Awareness
- Use words and expressions that affirm or negate (EN10G-IIf-28).
Draw similarities and differences of the featured selections in relation to the theme (EN10LT-IIg-2.3)
- IRF (NG)
- Round-Table Discussion (NG)
- Jigsaw (NG)
- Skeleton Dialogues (NG)
- Grid Galore (NG)
- Worksheets (NG)
- Exit Slip (NG)
- Build-a-Word Game (NG)
- Reciprocal Teaching (NG)
- Morphology Flip Book (G)
- Long quizzes on grammar (G)
- Blog post #2 (G)
- Writing Portfolio (G)
- Extemporaneous Speech (G)
Students on their own will be able to proficiently express their stand on an issue and defend it.
The teacher of Grade 10 English is scouting for a TUMCSI HS department representative in an extemporaneous speaking event in TAPRISA 2015, which will be held in September. Thus, you are encouraged to read a lot about topics related to the lessons discussed for the quarter and prepare for a 3-minute impromptu speech on September 21-25. For you to be qualified as the school’s representative, you have to deliver your peace fluently and confidently. Your speech will be judged based on content, stance and behavior.
The English Guild advocates creativity and ingenuity among English Second Language learners. Thus, developers of learning materials for English prompt learners around the world to come up outputs based on their lessons in English. The top five best outputs will be posted on the club's site and be made available as learning materials to all teachers and students worldwide. The teacher wants you to participate in this undertaking as she wants your proficiency to be acknowledged worldwide. Thus, you are tasked to innovate a Morphology Flip Book based on the negation markers discussed. Your book will be judged by the site's administrator based on accuracy and readability.
Fluency and confidence
Ideas presented in the speech are apparently a product of the student’s readings and experiences.
Expressions provided are all correct and accepted in academic setting.
Fluency and Confidence
The speech was delivered in correct English. Words were pronounced well as the speaker
demonstrated proper stance and behavior.
Words are in alphabetical order and presented in rows and columns prescribed.
Words are easily read and understood as correct font type and size were used.
1. Have you ever had conflict with others?
2. What caused such and how was it resolved?
Topic : “The Stratagem of the Wooden Horse and the Fall of Troy” by Virgil
Activity #1: IRF (Initial Answer)
Question: Is fate for real? Why?
Activity #2: Grid Galore
Students will be given a copy of the grid and they will accomplish the activity based on the
instructions given by the teacher. They should come up with the letter V representing Virgil, the
topic for discussion.
Activity #8: Jigsaw (Review on Prefixes, an Introduction to Negation Markers)
Activity #11: PPT which shows sentences indicating in-text citations (These sentences will be coming from the teacher’s very own blog posts.)
Activity #14: PREZI showing pictures of symbols used in the epics previously discussed
Question: Which epic has this item in the picture?
Activity #17: Presentation of sentences with underlined negation markers based on the movie viewed
Activity #21: Showing students the list of References used by the teacher in coming up with lessons and activities for the quarter
1. How are references presented in the list?
2. Are the references from the same category? Why?
3. Which ones are printed materials? from electronic sources?
Activity #26: Showing pictures from the movie “The Ring”
Students will be grouped into two – boys and girls – and then will be instructed to arrange the pictures logically. The order will be based on the events shown in the
Activity #28: Presenting sentences with negation markers derived from the literature discussed
Activity #31: Listening to “Revenge” by Taylor Swift
Question: What idea is emphasized in the song? How is this related to the epic discussed?
Activity #36: Showing a video of a person delivering an argumentative essay
1. Have you ever had conflict with others?
2. What caused such and how was it resolved?
Topic : “The Stratagem of the Wooden Horse and the Fall of Troy” by Virgil
Activity #3: PREZI on Virgil and the epic
1. Who is Virgil to the Romans? to the World Literature?
2. How is he similar to/different from Homer?
Activity #4: Round-Table Discussion
Students will be grouped into five. Then, they will be given the copy of the text to be
discussed and time to brainstorm and prepare for the presentation of their output, which will
provide answer to the following questions:
1. How is Virgil’s story similar to/different from Homer’s in terms of:
Ø Characters
Ø Events
Ø Theme
2. What can you conclude about Roman literature based on Virgil’s work?
3. Was the passage “The conquered became the conquerors” (Serrano and Lapid, 2006) proven?
After 20 minutes, each group will present their output before the class.
Activity #5: IRF (Revised Answer)
Question: Is fate for real? Why?
Activity #9: Discussing Prefixes as Negation Markers
Activity #12: Discussing the basics of in-text citation and referencing (Skill Builders, pp. 113 and Research,
p. 50, 100-108)
Activity #13: Letting students do the drill on in-text citation (Research, pp. 109-113)
Activity #15: Discussing symbols and their importance in the building of the theme of the epic
Question: In the epic by Virgil what symbols surface as the story is told? Did it help in the
building of the theme?
Activity #18: Discussing the negation markers in phrase level
Activity #22: Doing the Drill on Bibliography (Skill Builders, pp. 172-173)
Activity #23: Exit Slip
Complete the following sentences:
Today, I learned about ______________________. I clearly understand _____________________ but I am confused of _______________ because ________________.
Activity #27: Discussing “The Death of Siegfried”
1. What made Siegfried invulnerable to physical weapon?
2. How did Siegfried help to build Guther’s worth in the eyes of Brunhild?
3. What mistake was committed by Siegfried concerning the girdle and the ring?
4. Why did Kriemhild reveal the gifts to Brunhild?
5. What caused Siegfried’s death? How is this story related to the movie you viewed previously?
Activity #29: Worksheets on Negation Markers (Sentence Level)
Activity #32:Reading “Ode to Envy” by Mary D. Robinson
Activity #33: Reciprocal Teaching
Having been assigned as summarizer, questioner, clarifier and predictor, students will work
again with their groupmates. They will discuss among themselves “Ode to Envy” as the
teacher herself supervises.
Activity #37: Discussing the video
1. What gives you an idea that the person in the video is delivering an argumentative speech?
Based on the video, what must be observed in delivering an argumentative speech?
1. Have you ever had conflict with others?
2. What caused such and how was it resolved?
Topic: “The Stratagem of the Wooden Horse and the Fall of Troy” by Virgil
Activity #6: Blog post
Question: Do you favor the Romans’ act of copying and translating the Greek literature? Why? Justify your answer by citing proofs.
Activity #7: IRF (Final Answer)
Question: Is fate for real? Why?
Activity #10: BINGO
Students will be given copies of BINGO cards. Then, they will fill the cards with words
depending upon the instructions given orally by the teacher. The following
rules for scoring apply: 20 points for those who will be earning 5 BINGOs, 15 points for 3, 10
points for 2 and 5 points for 1
Topic: Theme and symbols in literature
Activity #16: Viewing “Ring of the Nibelungs”
Students will identify the symbols and the theme presented in the movie, then give the
importance of each in the building of the theme.
Activity #19: Build-a-Word Game
Students will work on the activity with partners. They will be given a copy of the game board
and complete each block based on the indicated instructions.
Activity #20: Listening to an audio to determine the accuracy, validity and relevance of the expressions
used by the speaker in relation to negation markers
Activity #24: Doing the Reinforcer page of the Skill Builders, p.173 (Correcting error in entries for a
Activity #25: Blog post #3 “The Role of Fate in a Hero’s Life”
Students will be asked to go back to the previous lessons and examine how fate orchestrated
the life of Achilles, Odysseus, Paris and Aeneas. Then, they will comeup an
article reflecting the title given and employing proper in-text citation and referencing.
Activity #30: Skeleton Dialogues (Dyadic Grouping)
Students will present a conversation before the class based on the prompts indicated in the
skeleton dialogue card. They will be using negation markers in their conversation.
Activity #34: Responding to the question: Is it right to pose revenge upon those who caused you pain? Extemporaneous Speech
Activity #35: Writing an argumentative essay
Students will be given arguments on revenge and envy. Then, they will choose one which they
will expound in an argumentative essay reflecting proper citation and referencing.
The teacher of Grade 10 English is scouting for a TUMCSI HS department representative in an extemporaneous speaking event in TAPRISA 2015, which will be held in September. Thus, you are encouraged to read a lot about topics related to the lessons discussed for the quarter and prepare for a 3-minute impromptu speech on September 21-25. For you to be qualified as the school’s representative, you have to deliver your peace fluently and confidently. Your speech will be judged based on content, stance and behavior.
The English Guild advocates creativity and ingenuity among English Second Language learners. Thus, developers of learning materials for English prompt learners around the world to come up outputs based on their lessons in English. The top five best outputs will be posted on the site and be made available as learning materials to all teachers and students worldwide. The teacher wants you to participate in this undertaking as she wants your proficiency to be acknowledged worldwide. Thus, you are tasked to innovate a Morphology Flip Book based on the negation markers discussed. Your book will be judged by the site's administrator based on accuracy and readability.
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