TIME FRAME: 37 days (Nov.4 – Dec. 15; Jan. 4-13)
The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types serve as sources of wisdom in expressing and resolving conflicts among individuals, groups and nature; also how to use evaluative reading, listening and viewing strategies, special speeches for occasion, and structures of modification.
- Literature: “America is in the Heart” (Summary) by Carlos Bulosan (Flip Classroom)
Viewing: Video Clips on Prejudice
Writing: Using appropriate adjectives in an essay (Journal Entry #1, Edmodo)
Grammar: Comparison of Adjectives/Adverbs (Regular)
Speaking: Speaking Distinctively
Research: Academic writingconventions
- Literature: Elements of a Novel
Grammar: Comparison of Adjectives/Adverbs (Irregular)
Speaking: “Mad Libs”
Research: Preparing a Preliminary Bibliography for research (Edmodo)
- Literature: “I Have a Dream” Martin Luther King
Grammar: Logical Comparison of Adjectives/Adverbs
Listening: “Count the Beads”
Writing: Writing a descriptive essay (Journal Entry #2, Edmodo)
- Reading: “To Kill a Mockingbird” Harper Lee
Listening: Detecting prejudice (“Ebony and Ivory” by Stevie Wonder and Paul Mc Cartney)
Writing: Writing a tribute speech
Speaking: Delivering a tribute speech
The learner skillfully delivers a tribute speech for a special occasion through utilizing effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources.STEP 2
Definition and elements of a novel
Employing strategies in critical reading, listening and viewing to evaluate text content
Public Speaking
Use of modifiersSTEP 3
Enduring Understanding:
Understanding of world literatures will provide a person diverse ideas and strategies on communicating with people coming from various groups, thus making him utilize the techniques in resolving conflicts and demonstrating fairness in a communication process.
Essential Question:
1. What is your idea of prejudice?
2. Have you been a victim of prejudice? How did you deal with the situation and the person/s responsible for it?STEP4
from the K to12Curriculum Guide as of December, 2013
Learners should be able to demonstrate understanding by:
- Detect biases and prejudices in an audio material (EN10LC-IIg-13.3).
Oral Language and Fluency
- Deliver a tribute speech with ease and confidence (EN10OL-IIIg-1.10).
Reading Comprehension
- Determine the personal significance of the selection to the reader (reader-response) (EN10RC-IIIf-2.18).
Writing and Composition
- Use writing conventions to indicate acknowledgement of resources (EN10SS-IIIc-1.6.4)
Grammar Awareness
- Use structures of modification (EN10G-IIIf-30).
- Explain how a selection may be influenced by culture, history, environment, or other factors (EN10LT-IIIe-3).
- IRF (NG)
- Think-Pair-Share (NG)
- Picture Story (NG)
- “Count the Beads” (NG)
- “Mad Libs” (NG)
- “Fish Bone” (NG)
- Worksheets (NG)
- Exit Slip (NG)
- Compare and Contrast Diagram (NG)
- Short Film on Prejudice (G)
- Long quizzes on grammar (G)
- Journal Entries #1 and #2 (G)
- Writing Portfolio (G)
- Tribute Speech (G)
Students on their own will be able to proficiently express their admiration and appreciation of a person.
Students on their own will be able to creatively express their view of prejudice and come up with a short film in attempt to stop prejudice in any form.
You are a writer tasked to compose a tribute speech for an outstanding citizen of Taytay. This speech is to be delivered by you before the honoree and the audience during the inauguration of the Ancestral House of Taytay. Your written output must reflect the person’s extraordinary characteristics and dedication to his/her duty, whatever it may be. The essay needs to be well-organized, should observe the conventions of academic writing and be read in 5 minutes.
You are a group of students advocating the prevention of prejudice or discrimination at TUMCSI in all departments. To promote the advocacy, you need to create a 3-minute short film showing instances of prejudice in the campus. Then, conclude your video with an advice or words that will encourage your fellow students to refrain from demonstrating prejudice in any form, so as to put an end to cases of student fights and bullying in the campus. Your short film must have:
a plot with a beginning, climax and resolution, two or more developed characters, at least 3 minutes in length, opening and closing credits, uses appropriate music and sound effects, great camerawork, editing and have correct props, costumes and a creative set design, and appropriate for the school audience. STEP 7
Cohesion and Coherence
Ideas presented in the speech/short film are apparently a product of the student’s readings and personal experiences.
Expressions provided are all correct and accepted in academic setting.
The short film shows a scene which complies with the requirement and the dialogues,
sound effects or music, props and costumes are appropriate.
Words are in alphabetical order and presented in rows and columns prescribed.
The film apparently reflect the resourcefulness of the students and is presented in
a manner beyond expectation.
The time set for the film was complied with.
The film meets the teacher’s expectation and was skillfully accomplished.
1. What is your idea of prejudice?
2. Have you been a victim of prejudice? How did you deal with the situation and the person/s responsible for it?
Topic : “America is in the Heart” (Summary) by Carlos Bulosan
Activity #1: IRF (Initial Answer)
Students will give their initial answer to the question: How can a person’s decision change his/her life?
Activity #2: Video Clips (cases of prejudice)
Activity #5: Reviewing Comparison of Adjectives
1. How is the discriminated person different from those who discriminate him/her? For example:
a. The woman who underwent makeover from other women in the video? From herself before the session?
b. The bone marrow donor from the child’s father?
c. The man with the beard from the one seized by the police?
2. Write your descriptions on the board.
Activity #8: FLIP BOOK, Presenting the biography of Carlos Bulosan and the summary of his novel
Topic: Elements of a Novel (plot, theme, setting, point of view, character)
Activity #15: MAD LIBS (Review of Comparing adverbs and adjectives)
Students will pair up once more forming group A and B. The teacher will instruct students from group A to write a sample word depending upon the prompt. As students from group A are done, students from group B will be given a copy of a text with blanks in it. The student will then fill in the blanks with the words provided by his/her partner based on the order of presentation. As the text has been completed, it will be read before the class by anybody from the group.
Activity #18: PPT on Bibliographical Entries indicating various sources of the topics discussed
1. Which entry indicates a book reference? An electronic reference? A journal reference?
2. How were you able to detect the differences among the reference sources?
Activity #20: COUNT THE BEADS
Students will be given a piece of paper of three columns labeled as simple, comparative and superlative. While teacher reads a text featuring adjectives and adverbs, the students will jot down the words noted in its specific column. After the reading, the teacher will present the accurate number of adjectives and adverbs in the text and the respective places of each modifier on the paper.
Topic: “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King Jr.
Activity #21: STORYBOARD
This activity presents pictures of important vocabulary words – desolate, tranquility, segregation, oppression, and brotherhood – from the speech. Students will be instructed to get one and tell something about it. The teacher will ask the following question so as to help students come up with the correct word and its meaning.
1. What does the picture tell you?
2. What word does it try to describe? Why?
3. What does the word mean?
Activity #22: PREZI, Introducing Martin Luther King and his speech
Activity #25: Compare and Contrast Diagram
Students will be grouped into five, then they will be instructed to compare and contrast “America is in the Heart” to “I Have a Dream”. The diagram will be presented before the class afterwards and sentences that they compose reflecting comparison will be used to discuss the lesson on logical comparison of adjectives/adverbs.
Activity #27: Listening to a song “Ebony and Ivory” by Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder
1. Between ebony and ivory, which represents white? black?
2. What is the message of the song? How are you given such an idea?
Activity #28: PPT on Harper Lee
Activity #32: Video Clip on tribute speech
1. What is a tribute speech?
2. When is this given/delivered?
Activity #34: Representing the videos on prejudice
1. Among the videos presented, which one is easily understood? Why?
2. Based on the presentations, what makes a comprehensible video?
1. What is your idea of prejudice?
2. Have you been a victim of prejudice? How did you deal with the situation and the people responsible for it?
Topic : “America Is in the Heart” by Carlos Bulosan
Students will be asked to pair up with the person on their right. Then they will be instructed to do the following:
1. Write one word that you associate each video content with.
2. Identify an experience that comes to mind for one or more of the videos.
3. Describe what all the videos have in common.
4. Compare answers with a partner.
Activity #4: Sharing of the partner’s discussion to the class
Activity #6: Discussing Comparison of Adjectives/Adverbs using the sentences composed by students
Activity #9: PICTURE STORY
In 2 minutes, students by pairs will be instructed to arrange the pictures on the board based on the sequence of events in the summary presented. The pair/s who will
be able to correctly display the pictures in proper order and tell the story based on the materials will be given +3 in his/her grade for the individual project. Then,
discuss the novel by asking:
1. What is worth knowing about the novel?
2. In what ways does the story relate to you?
3. In what ways does the experience of the protagonist relate to every Filipino?
4. What is the theme of the novel?
Activity #10: IRF (Revised answer)
Students will give their revised answer to the question: How can a person’s decision change his/her life?
Activity #11: Discussing the conventions of academic writing (Proper use of comparison between adjectives/adverbs)
Activity #14: Speaking distinctively (Skill Builders, pp. 21-23)
Activity #16: Lecture on Comparing Irregular Adjectives and Adverbs
Activity #17: EXIT SLIP
Complete the following sentences:
Today, I learned about ______________________. I clearly understand _____________________ but I am confused of _______________ because ________________.
Activity #23: Discussing the content of the speech
1. How did Martin Luther King Jr. affect the future of the United States of America?
2. Why are non-violent protests more powerful than violent ones?
3. Is perseverance an important quality for humans to have?
Activity #26: Discussing Logical Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs
1. What rules on comparing adjectives and adverbs can we draw based on the examples given?
2. How is this lesson related to academic writing?
Students will work with their group and become the teacher in small group reading sessions after the teacher’s modeling of the strategy. Students will be guided in
performing group discussions using four strategies: summarizing, question generating, clarifying, and predicting. (The novel has 31 chapters, so the teacher will
assign each group to discuss the summary of the six chapters.)
Activity #32: Valuing
1. Among the three writers – Carlos Bulosan, Martin Luther King and Harper Lee – whom do you want to write a tribute speech for? Why?
Activity #35: Discussing short film making and the criteria in grading the project
1. What is your idea of prejudice?
2. Have you been a victim of prejudice? How did you deal with the situation and the people responsible for it?
Topic : “America Is in the Heart” by Carlos Bulosan
Activity #7: Relating the theme discussed in the video to the novel presented
Question: Just like the people in the video, does a Filipino experience prejudice in a foreign land? Justify your answer.
Journal entry #1 is a response to the question – How are Filipinos working abroad treated now?
Activity #13: IRF (Final Answer)
Students will give their final answer to the question: How can a person’s decision change his/her life?
Activity #19: Preparing a preliminary bibliography for research
Journal entry #2 features students’ response to the question: If you were the Filipino version of Martin Luther, what is it about the Filipinos that you would fight for
and how would you fight for it?
Activity #30: FISH BONE, illustrating the Cause and Effect of prejudice as reflected in the texts discussed.
Activity #31: SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT on Comparison in Adjectives and Adverbs
Activity #33: Writing a tribute speech
Activity #36: Short Film Making
You are a writer tasked to compose a tribute speech for an outstanding citizen of Taytay. This speech is to be delivered by you before the honoree and the audience during the inauguration of the Ancestral House of Taytay. Your written output must reflect the person’s extraordinary characteristics and dedication to his/her duty, whatever it may be. The essay needs to be well-organized, should observe the conventions of academic writing and be read in 5 minutes.
You are a group of students advocating the prevention of prejudice or discrimination at TUMCSI in all departments. To promote the advocacy, you need to create a 3-minute short film showing instances of prejudice in the campus. Then, conclude your video with an advice or words that will encourage your fellow students to refrain from demonstrating prejudice in any form, so as to put an end to cases of student fights and bullying in the campus. Your short film must meet the following basic requirements:
a plot with a beginning, climax and resolution, two or more developed characters, at least 3 minutes in length, opening and closing credits, uses appropriate music and sound effects, great camerawork, editing and have correct props, costumes and a creative set design, and appropriate for the school audience.
1 comment:
May I have the copy of curriculum map for this quarter please. Thank you
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