Wakito's Pizza House

21 February, 2016

"The Iliad' Fashion out of Reusable and Recyclable Materials

This activity is students' response to the performance task:  

You are a group of students whose advocacy is to instill into your fellows the value of resourcefulness, innovativeness and creativity thru reusing and recycling materials.  To fulfill the advocacy you are tasked to come up with Greek costumes of your favorite characters in The Iliad and wear them in the fashion show on July 29. You will compose your own  description of the costume, how it was conceptualized and made. This description will be read during the activity. Your costume will be graded by the judges based on its relevance to the culture, appropriateness to the character portrayed, durability, innovativeness and resourcefulness.  

My students surprised me with their preparation. They had ancient and modern Greek wedding attires. They recycled pieces of paper and excess paint. Old cloth and clothes, shoes, sandals and slippers were reused. Their outputs did not just display my students' innovativeness and creativity but also their skills in modeling. 

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