Wakito's Pizza House

09 February, 2016

CCT, the second time around

CCT is the best. 
I cannot think of any word to describe this place where food, employees and crew are concerned. The Grade 10 spiritual retreat brought TUMCSI faculty members there. Students did learn not only ideas concerning spirituality but also enjoyed the food and the place. The following pictures prove such.

Ptra. Liza Cabangan during the session with the girls

Ptr. Orly De Leon spoke on matters concerning boys.

Ptr. Orly and Mr. Oliver Distor with their cell group
Angela Linzo and Diane Fortin seemed to enjoy the camera rather than the session.

Ms. Ella and her cell group

Mr. Gil Udarbe with the boys
Justine Ivan and Sydney's turn
Grade 10 David and Saul
Ms. Aileen Hinate and Grade 10 David girls 

The TUMCSI Faculty and Staff with the TUMC Pastors and leaders
Besides the spiritual and the physiological provisions, these are what I appreciated about CCT. The green atmosphere and the combination of the rectangular and triangular shapes all around the place.

Indeed CCT is place worth returning not only for those who seek delectable food for the body but for the soul as well.

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