Wakito's Pizza House

12 June, 2018


Six eight two thousand sixteen

Seven hundred and thirty days
of cybernetic connection accorded us
innumerable exchanges,
hilarity and sobs,
arguments and excitement,
and a good grasp of
what assumed-to-be objectionable.

Yes, I thank HIM
for LEADING me to THEE,
for granting me bliss,
for letting me know distress,
for setting me limits
for making me see reality, and
for keeping me sane still.

Had I been insistent,
annoying and taxing;
Had I brought thee desolation;
Had I furthered thy woes,
Had I misled thee,
I sincerely apologize.

Truly, a couple of years with thee
taught me significant lessons.
has been a classroom of life for me.
In here, I mastered fortitude,
responsiveness and a great amount
of understanding.

Thus, I’m grateful to thee for
providing me virtual company,
helping me see what's beyond
and above all for
making me comprehend life's meaning.
Apparently, our connection
brought me gains more than pain.

To thee I bade.
But as I realized that
thou still need me (maybe)
swallow my pride I did.
And an immediate comeback
I initiated.

This is me pal,
the person who acknowledged
thy whimsical charm
and befriended thee
despite everything since day 1.
Thou had never done wrong and
I hated you not.

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