Wakito's Pizza House

10 April, 2016

The Renewal of my Soul

And as they were eating, he took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to them, and said, “Take; this is my body.” And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, and they all drank of it. And he said to them, “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many" (Mark 14:22-24 ESV).

This is the verse which gives the idea of Maunday Thursday which I basically spend at home or somewhere else with my family. However, my regular attendance at TMCC (The Messiah Community Church) gave me a different perception of it. I was invited to attend the Encounter God Retreat (EGR) by my lifegroup leader and so I did. My best friend who happens to be my LG mate and my sister-in-law who has been regularly attending the Sunday service participated as well. Nineteen other people from different parts of Taytay, Cainta and Cavite joined us. There were 13 resource persons who spoke on the following topics:
Ptr. Lloyd Bartolome - The Importance of Having an Encounter
Noel Candelaria - Turning Curses into Blessings
Lorna Nilo - Devotion
Mayeth Esguerra - Healing the Heart
Bryan Naval - Seven Words of Victory
Ofel Espiritu - Having Victory over Adversary
             For Women - Amie Sanvictores
             For Men - Joey Sanvictores
             For Singles - Che Zapanta
Ptr. Glenn Cruz - Power of the Cross
Ptr. Paul Agpoon - Establishing the Vision
Ptra. Tess Rayos Del Sol - Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Twenty-two facilitators and assistant facilitators were in-charge of us, participants and we were assigned to sleep at the air-conditioned room of the TMCC building. We spent 30 hours of the Holy Week listening to the speakers and doing what they let us do after each session. And of all the holy weeks I had, this one I can say was the most meaningful. First and foremost, because I had the chance of knowing the church and its people deeper. Their manner of dealing with church members and non-members and their approaches in handling matters manifested and were observed and I can say that all of them have been consistent about their demonstration of humility and equity. Above all, I had the opportunity to commune with God and experience the power of the Holy Spirit. Yes I got slain by the Holy Spirit twice and the feeling was indescribable. I felt I was consumed to the maximum level that I could not get up no matter how I tried. I spoke the language that I neither heard before nor understood. I dared to stop but I could not control my very own tongue. I had spiritual activities then, but this one was incomparable. I had the awareness of what was going on; however, I did not have the physical strength to take control of everything. I felt the Spirit. I felt God. I’m not saying that I became sanctified after the EGR, what I want to say is that I was given the opportunity to adore and experience God’s presence in an extraordinary manner. The five hundred pesos I paid for the nine meals I had during EGR was nothing compared to the realization that I obtained after all those life changing sessions with our speakers and facilitators. I was moved, changed and provided of a profound and a deeper view of spirituality and my relationship with God.

I cannot declare that I gained supernatural abilities after that undertaking but the mere fact that I felt spiritual renewal I’m very much grateful. Now I truly understand why Peter said, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38) and Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6 ESV). 

The Messiah Community Church did not just give me a remarkable Holy Week but above all, an activity that quenched my spiritual thirst and renewed my sinful soul, hence my gratefulness to God for leading me there.

The following are few of the pictures taken during the EGR.

Photo Credits: Ace of TMCC

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