Exodus 13: 11-16
“After the LORD brings you into the land of the Canaanites and gives it
to you, as he promised on oath to you and your ancestors, you are to give over
to the LORD the first offspring of every womb. All the firstborn males of your
livestock belong to the LORD. Redeem
with a lamb every firstborn donkey, but if you do not redeem it, break its
neck. Redeem every firstborn among your sons.
“In days to come, when your son asks you, ‘What does this mean?’ say to
him, ‘With a mighty hand the LORD brought us out of Egypt, out of the land of
slavery. When Pharaoh stubbornly refused
to let us go, the LORD killed the firstborn of both people and animals in
Egypt. This is why I sacrifice to the LORD the first male offspring of every
womb and redeem each of my firstborn sons.’ And it will be like a sign on your
hand and a symbol on your forehead that the LORD brought us out of Egypt with
his mighty hand.”
These verses further the ideas – dedication, sacrifice, redemption and
the spiritual education of the children by the parents. Here, dedication of
each Jew’s firstborn was made necessary, just like what is generally practiced
by believers of God. Animals were used
for sacrifice during the remembrance of deliverance. Those that cannot be sacrificed
were redeemed with lamb. I wondered why, and further reading made me understand
that the donkey referred here is the “ass” which is included in the list of
unclean animals; thus making it
unfit for sacrifice. So, the lamb here
which apparently a metaphor for Jesus Christ is a redeemer for unclean animals that
may represent the sinners. Further, I am reminded that as a parent, it is my
duty to teach my children the word of God, the practices of our faith and their
significance not only to people but above all to God.
As a parent, I will keep in mind these instructions especially the
teaching of God’s word and wonderful acts. I will do what needs to be done so
that my children will not just be taught of concepts but will have concrete ideas
of each matter being dealt with, thus making them attain full understanding of
those. As it is said, application comes easier when matters taught are
understood well.
Dear Lord, thank you for reminding me again my duties and
responsibilities to my children. Thank you for making me understand that my
parenting obligations include the teaching of Your word, works and practices of
the church. Lord, had there been times that I missed doing such, forgive me. Lord,
I just can’t get enough of You. I’m learning something new each and every day. Thus,
I ask for your guidance Lord. Lead me to the people and the materials that will
aid for my greater understanding of your word and You as a whole. Father, I
also pray for my emceeing job today. Be with me Lord before, during and after
the ceremony. Let the Holy Spirit guide me and my partner, sir Cris Lord as we
do the task. This I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.