Wakito's Pizza House

16 July, 2013

Eris, goddess of discord

Earth is overpopulated,
Zeus observes.
Trojan war is conceived
For he thinks it’s the best.

The god manipulates the plot
Makes Thetis forget my attendance
Thus, In her banquet I cast man’s lot
 to the deities I cause grievance.

The apple and the title
the “fairest” of all I toss
stunning goddesses battle
and turn to Zeus.

The mightiest avoids conflict
Let a mortal judge instead
Great options do  perplex
But the man picks what he can bring to bed

Trojan war ensues
As Helen’s infidelity reigns
To Menelaus revenge rules
To Greeks and Trojans life ends

Ablaze the Greeks’ fury, I fix
Looting and killing pull
Slaughtered flesh and blood mix
As swords and arrows rule

Gods take sides
Risk their lives heroes do
Hector fights
Achilles retaliates, too.

The Trojan hero dies
As Achaeans celebrate their feat
Triumphant Greeks pursue their lives
As the Trojans suffer defeat.

Disunity, this I bring
Whatever I touch never stays the same
I act and I sting
The goddess of discord, Eris is my name.

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