How are discipline and punishment applied in “Our Twisted Hero”
Correct employment of discipline and punishment leads to the molding of a holistically accomplished person. Michel Foucault in his book “Discipline and Punish” presents various means of correct training and of the three means hierarchical observation and the examination were found to be very interesting as both are demonstrated in Yi Mun Yol’s novella – “Our Twisted Hero.” Surveillance based on hierarchical observation is employed by the 5th grade teacher as Eom Seokdae is appointed as the class monitor, a position which has given him power over his classmates. Thus, he compels them to work on his assignments and tests, deeds which bring him to earning excellent grades and impressive class ranking. Later, the class monitor himself overpowers his teacher to the point that the latter does not do anything to remedy the situation. On his 6th grade, Eom experiences the reverse for his teacher now practices the examination means of correct training. Here, the teacher observes his class and as he notes that Eom manipulates his classmates the teacher himself confronts the student body. Each of Eom’s classmates is given a chance to speak his mind on the former’s leadership and cruelties in the same manner that Eom himself is given the opportunity to defend himself. By the end of the investigation, the bullies are punished by palm beating and the monitor is replaced. In the first situation, the idea of hierarchized surveillance is opposed by the teacher for Eom is allowed to posses the power and uses it for his advantage. Foucault said that surveillance gives power to a person but that power must be used to monitor the activities of the group as a whole and to not be used for one’s advantage alone (177). In the second situation, the teacher effectively uses the examination means of correct training for he is able to bring out students’ confidence which enables them to speak on Eom’s cruelties and make Han, his right hand, overcome Eom’s power and eventually see his very own credibility as a person. Here, it is evident that the teacher knows what discipline and punishment are for and this act exemplifies correct training to the core.
References :
Foucault, Michel. “Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison”. Trans. Alan Sheridan.
New York : Random House Inc. 170-186. April 30, 2011
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