Wakito's Pizza House

05 March, 2018

Mt. Paliparan in Tanay, Rizal

When you need to decide on something unexpected,  you get more than what you expected.

This was proven by the experience I had with my fellow climbers last February 16, 2018.

Mt. Paliparan was just an option as our team got to the registration area when the list of climbers for our original destination - Mt. Nagpatong - had just reached the limit - 500 persons.

"We will realize our objective" that is, to reach the peak of the mountain. This we agreed on.

The trek started at 9:00 A.M. Footpaths were visible but the tall varied grasses along the way suggested that the place is not frequented by climbers.

Steep ascents, rocky cliffs, and a tour guide "who just know the way to the destination but barely speaks" posed us great challenge.  The feeling intensified as some climbers whom we incidentally met in the mountain boldly expressed their unwillingness to proceed to the peak.

Our determination to get to the summit overpowered the threat of hard-to-find handholds and footholds.

The gloves, the ropes and our prayers enabled us to survive the fear of losing grip.

The peak, 562 m above sea level, was finally reached at 12:00 noon.

As we summitted and I surveyed the vast expanse below, I felt a sense of achievement.

Next, the sidetrip to the Dumagat community that made us explore the grassy slopes once more. Thirst came as we ran out of water. It took us I think an hour of walk to get to the place. Water from coconut fruit which amounted to 35Php quenched our thirst.

Then, we proceeded to the place called Tungtong Falls. Getting to the falls was even more taxing as we needed to trek, not wade, the seem-to-be drying up Tungtong river.Towering grasses and the rock-strewn route which seemed to be never ending set the creeps. The trail was rough as in ROUGH. I felt as if we were led somewhere else by the guide. I got assured of safety when we came across a man at the far end of the river.

Finally, the rocky cliffs to Tungtong falls, the kind that would end your life if you lost a grip. We got there at the time that climbers who came ahead of us were enjoying cliff diving.

The dive site advances danger rather than a challenge to me. Yet, young women tried the activity. One slipped off the cliff and experienced accidental plunge. She got saved of course but just the same, everyone was terrified.

From the falls to the station was an almost 2-hour uphill climb. Ropes and our great desire to get to the plain kept us moving.

At 5:00 P.M., we finally arrived at the barangay hall of Cuyambay.

End of the trek but not of my desire to climb more. The unskilled tour guide, the grassy slopes, the rocky cliffs, the seem-to-be never ending Tungtong river, the incident at the cliff diving site and the uphill climb back to the barangay hall, all these contribute to the making of my remarkable climb.

Yes, we settled on something unexpected but we got more than what we expected - a new adventure that didn't just strengthened us physically but above all, spiritually.

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