Wakito's Pizza House

07 March, 2016

Exodus 8: 16-19

Exodus 8: 16-19
Then the LORD said to Moses, “Tell Aaron, ‘Stretch out your staff and strike the dust of the ground,’ and throughout the land of Egypt the dust will become gnats.” They did this, and when Aaron stretched out his hand with the staff and struck the dust of the ground, gnats came on people and animals. All the dust throughout the land of Egypt became gnats. But when the magicians tried to produce gnats by their secret arts, they could not. Since the gnats were on people and animals everywhere, the magicians said to Pharaoh, “This is the finger of God.” But Pharaoh’s heart was hard and he would not listen, just as the LORD had said.

The third plague gnats or lice in other translation eventually made the magicians realize their limitation and acknowledged God’s power although Pharaoh remained adamant about his conviction. The sorcerer’s experience can be related to Paul’s who worked against God when he was still Saul. Then, as God made Himself known to the man by blinding him, Saul changed and eventually became Paul who brought the good news to the people all over the world. These examples let me understand the idea that unless man’s capabilities have been exhausted, he will never learn to recognize God’s.

I will depend on God on each that I do for He is the source of all.


Dear God, thank you for reminding me that any man’s capability is nothing compared with Yours, thus making me understand the idea that without You God I am nothing. Lord forgive me if sometimes I tend to depend on myself, on my own capacity, that I do things without consulting You Father, an act which I know displeases You. Hence, instead of realizing my goal, I fail. Lord, I entrust all my concerns to You. I pray for the wisdom, the patience and the time I need to finish my concept paper Lord. I need to avail of the scholarship Lord for thesis writing, so please let me finish all that I have to finish before the date set. I pray for the clarity and conciseness of my work and the panel’s favor.  Lord, I pray as well for those who are presently working against You Father, for those who are using Your name and Your word to discourage and discredit us who do otherwise. Father, just like Moses, bless us Your servants even more and make us prosper  in the characteristics we need Lord that we may bring all others the message of salvation. Direct our actions Lord and let us influence those who do the opposite. Enable discernment in each one of us Lord, make us wise that we may see the differences between Your work and the enemy's. And if we both work on the realization of the same goal, then make us respect each other's advocacy and conviction God for us to set a strong foundation in Your favor. This I pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.

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