Wakito's Pizza House

09 February, 2016

Oral Communication: Course Syllabus

San Juan, Taytay, Rizal

Course Title:
Oral Communication
Course No.:
English 2
2015-16/Second Semester
Ellen P. Noveras    
Course Prerequisites:
Must be officially enrolled in the course Oral Communication
Course Description:
Oral Communication in English is a three-hour-per-week course that aims to develop the students’ competence in oral communication through the integration of theories and application. This course concentrates on public speaking which involves organization and presentation of informal and formal speeches. The use of video during presentations is encouraged for self-evaluation and improvement purposes.
Course Objectives:
At the end of the semester, students should:
1.    understand that communication is essential to life and that self-confidence is as important as the techniques applied in communication process;
2.    identify their very own communication style, strengths and weaknesses; 
3.    organize speeches depending upon formats and strategies required;
4.    acknowledge the importance of research in organizing a material for a formal oral communication;
5.    develop strong and effective listening skills by evaluating, criticizing and discussing peer and professional speeches;
6.    efficiently communicate their ideas as called for by a specific audience and situation; and
7.    present oneself in a manner that exhibits credibility and professionalism.
Course Format:
1.    Blended Teaching and Learning Strategy
2.    Dialogue and lecture delivery
3.    Group/Individual presentation of assigned topics
Course Schedule:
·         Introduction of the Course
·         Presentation of the Course Requirements
·         Explanations on grading system, course policies and others
·         Oral Communication Definition
·         Differentiating Oral from Written Communication
·         Non-Verbal Communication
·         Listening, Response and Feedback Skills
·         Drills on listening, response and feedback
·         Interviewing
·         Planning, preparing and conducting an interview (taped and to be presented before the class the following meeting)-
·         Presentation of the recorded interview
·         Peer evaluation
·         Journal Entry #1 (to be posted on Edmodo)
·         Preliminary Examination
·         Communicating in Groups and Meetings

·         Participating in Groups
·         Discussion Skills
·         Evaluating Discussions
·         “Fishbowl”
·         Group Presentation
·         Journal Entry #2 (to be posted on Edmodo)
·         Mid-term Examination
·         Public Speaking
·         Overcoming Fear of public Speaking
·         Presentation Skills
·         Analyzing and Adapting to Audiences
·         Using Evidence, Props and Visual Aids during an oral presentation
·         Using Voice and Body Language
·         Informative Speech
·         Preparing and Presenting an Informative Speech
·         Persuasive Speech
·         Preparing and Presenting a Persuasive Speech
·         Journal Entry #3 (to be posted on Edmodo)
·         Interpretive Speech
·         Performing an Interpretive Speech
·         Final Examination
Course References:

Language Network. (2001). USA:
        McDougal Littell a Houghton Mifflin

Effective Oral Communication and Public
        Speaking. (n.d.). Retrieved Nov. 8,
        2015 from http://cas.upes.ac.in/pdf/

Speech and Oral Communication. (n.d.).
        usemyability. The Higher Education
        Academy. Retrieved November 8,
        2015 from  http://usemyability.com/
        resources/ skills_abilities/speech-   
Course Requirements:
Two self-composed and delivered before the class individual speeches:
1.    Informative (in response to a question) 2-3 minutes
2.    Persuasive (on a topic of one’s choice) 5-9 minutes

One individual performance:
1.    Interpretive (“I will act now” by Og Mandino or “I am a Filipino” by Carlos P. Romulo)

One team presentation:
1.    Interview on a controversial issue (ICT, recorded)

Two group presentation:
1.    Creative: Jazz Chant
2.    Discussion: “Fishbowl” 7-10 minutes

Reflection Paper on a case study (3-4 pages)

Journal entries on topics discussed
Grading System:
Attendance: 10%
Active and Skilled  Participation: 20%
Written Outputs/Quizzes: 20%
Major Exams: 50%

Course Policies:
Only an absence of 3 meetings in 18 contact sessions are allowed for each student. One unexcused absence after the three absences results in an advice for Authorized Withdrawal.  

Fifteen minutes late is equivalent to one session absence.

No headsets or cellular phones during class hours.

Common Courtesy
The class’s core principles are respect and courtesy. Let us respect one another and be courteous to each other in all instances.

Late Requirements and Assignments
An account in Edmodo will be opened by the teacher and each student is required to join. Written outputs will be turned in to the teacher through it. As the turn in button closes, no requirements or assignments will be acknowledged.
Edmodo URL:

group code: 4pmj97

Missed Exams
A student, who happens to be absent as the activity is performed/presented and the reason of his/her absence is considered to be valid as proven by evidence, will be given a chance to make up for the activity missed depending on the schedule given by the teacher. If the student fails to comply with the schedule, he/she will be given a failing grade on that particular requirement. This applies to individual activity only.

In case of a group activity/project and one of the members happens to be absent as the activity is performed/the project is presented, he/she will be given a chance to perform before the teacher but he/she will not be graded in the same manner that the group was graded. Deductions on certain criteria will be observed. Performance will depend upon the schedule prescribed by the teacher. If the student fails to comply with the schedule, he/she will be given a failing grade on that particular requirement.

Academic Honesty
Proper APA citations and referencing must be practiced. Plagiarized work earns a failing grade.
Supplementary Materials/Activities
Supplementary materials for the course include:
·         Worksheets
·         handouts
·         Readings for introducing the specific technology like ERIC documents, on-line or electronic materials and journals

Formats of the Requirements:

Reflection Paper
It is a 3-4 pages of a student’s reflection on a professional speech listened to encoded on a 8.5X11” coupon bond, using TNR, 12 pt. font size, double-spaced. In-text citation and reference in APA documentation style. It should have the following:
1.    Title page
2.    Reflection

3.    Reference

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