Wakito's Pizza House

08 May, 2015

The Astonishing CCT

I’ve never seen a recreation/reformation center such as orderly and as consistent as Center for Community Transformation (CCT).

Our annual retreats and conferences brought me to various resorts and reformation centers in the Philippines and of all those, the one which truly caught my interest was this place located on Kaykulot Road, Tagaytay City.

First and foremost, because the staff are really accommodating and they serve delectable and no MSG food. They let us savor the finest beef tapa, 

                                        the very crunchy and tasty danggit 

                                and the unforgettable crispy mushroom 

                  that looks like “chicharong bulaklak” at first glance.

        Next is the orderliness of every thing presented at the dining hall 

and the cabins. Cabin occupants are not allowed to bring their shoes in. They could either get in barefoot or with their socks on. Those who have slippers are allowed to use their slippers in the cabin but are advised not to wear the same set outside. Thus, there’s this shelf for shoes and slippers at the entrance.

                            Above all, these brought me to real amazement.

Every thing is artfully and consistently represented.

CCT a place of orderliness and consistency. 

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