Spaniards truly discriminated Filipinos including Filipino-looking saints.
We had our trip to Laguna and the itineraries were Lumban, Paete and Panguil. Our first stop was not very interesting for we only got to see the kesong puti factories, tasted the products and proceeded to seeing the national costumes which were made out of pina and cocoon. These were embroidered and displayed at the place together with bags out of dried water lilies.
Next stop was at the Paete Church which really captured my interest not only because it's was my first time to see a structure whose entire ceiling was made out of molave but also because it was my first time to see a saint of two different features. One looks like a Filipino and the other reflects Spanish physical characteristics.
St. Cristobal by a Filipino |
St. Cristopher by a Spanish
Based on the information posted on the wall murals found in the church were art works of Luciano Dans, a native of Paete in 19th century. This information did not satisfy me so I asked further and our Outbound Educator narrated that the first painting was originally done by a certain Paetenian and was supposed to be displayed. However, as a Spanish church authority saw that the saint looked like a Filipino its display was canceled and a command to accomplish another was given. Thus, the second one came to be. In fact, the first painting only came to view as the second one was removed during the church's renovation and this appalled everyone. I researched for this information the moment that I came home but to no avail. Despite that, I was amazed by what the facilitator provided knowing that he's from Outbound Philippines and that he was hired to educate people.
The last stop was at Panguil River Ecopark which provide us a picturesque view of Ambon-Ambon Falls. A trek to the falls amused me to the core as I was given the opportunity to swim in the river and lie down on the boulder beneath the falls. The water was really deep and the current was strong. Had the boatman been irresponsible, I would have drowned for I lost my grip of the rope to which we held on for safety as we swam back to the cottage.
As a whole, the trip gave me another adventure. Above all, an additional knowledge of the Spaniards' perception of Filipinos.
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